A Growing Problem

The legal profession has been long viewed as one of the most prestigious fields of work, providing individuals with high status, respect, and prestige in society. As a result, it may come as a surprise that lawyers are increasingly struggling with addiction issues. Recent research has suggested that a significant portion of lawyers suffer from serious substance misuse issues as well as underlying mental health disorders, leading experts to believe that addiction and addiction-related issues are becoming a growing problem among the legal profession.

At first glance, the idea of lawyers suffering from addiction issues may seem unlikely. After all, individuals in the legal profession are generally driven to succeed and achieve at a high level, so how could they possibly be facing the same issues that plague many from lower socio-economic backgrounds? The reality, however, is that the stresses of the legal profession, combined with easy access to substances such as alcohol, can make lawyers more prone to developing addictive behaviors than the average person.

An important factor that may contribute to the prevalence of addiction amongst lawyers is the fact that high-level legal careers often require extremely long hours and strenuous work. This can be particularly difficult for lawyers, as their work is often extremely demanding and their lives are often consumed by their cases and clients. This in turn can cause them to suffer from burnout, stress, and anxiety, making them more likely to turn to substances as a means of coping.

Furthermore, many lawyers are never off the clock, so to speak, and this can have an effect on their overall psychological health and well-being. Several studies have found that lawyers who are constantly connected to their work–both mentally and physically–are more likely to develop issues with substance abuse. As a result, ongoing stress and anxiety can significantly contribute to the development of addiction issues amongst lawyers.

Another contributing element to lawyers’ addiction issues is the accessibility of substances within the legal profession. Lawyers often have direct access to drugs or alcohol through stuff they’ve been given by clients or associates. This is especially true for lawyers who handle large criminal cases, as they may gain access to party drugs or even prescription medications while preparing or litigating cases. This kind of close proximity to dangerous substances makes it much more likely that those in the legal profession will develop a dependency and fall into a pattern of addiction and substance misuse.

Despite the seriousness of the issue, there are still many who are unaware of the extent of the problem or refuse to acknowledge the risks that come with addiction. This makes it difficult to get treatment to those who need it, and there is still a significant stigma surrounding addiction in the legal profession, leading many to suffering from their issues in silence rather than seeking help.

Fortunately, there are a number of organizations and support networks that have been created to help lawyers address their addiction issues. These types of organizations provide invaluable resources and guidance for those suffering from addiction, and they can be a great way to begin the process of getting help and recovery. Additionally, some jurisdictions have put in place special rules and regulations that protect lawyers from professional discipline or sanction should they seek to get help for their addiction.

The issue of lawyers and addiction is becoming more prominent, and it is important that those in the legal profession are aware of the risks and know where they can turn for help and support. This way they can take positive steps to address their addiction issues and resume leading successful and healthy lives.

How Lawyers Choose to Get Addicted

Addiction is a major issue that affects all walks of life, including the legal profession. According to recent studies, lawyers are among the professional groups most prone to addiction. While the potential for substance abuse is inherent in any profession, lawyers often find themselves susceptible to such an illness due to the personal and cultural pressures associated with the profession.

One of the primary sources of addiction for lawyers is the pressure to excel and succeed in their profession. High-stakes cases in prestigious law firms can create a tremendous level of stress for lawyers, forcing them to work long hours and remain focused in order to reach the desired outcome. This intense pressure can contribute to feelings of anxiety, depression, and even feelings of powerlessness or helplessness in the face of the system. In some cases, lawyers have turned to drugs and alcohol to cope with the weight of such stress and expectations.

Another source of addiction for lawyers is the prevalence of social drinking and drug use in the legal profession. Lawyers are often exposed to these substances through professional networking events and at other professional gatherings, which can lead to social acceptance and normalization of the use of drugs and alcohol. Many lawyers may feel pressured to partake in such activities in order to fit in, or to maintain their professional standing.

A third potential cause of addiction amongst lawyers is the financial strain associated with supporting a legal practice. Running a successful law firm can be incredibly expensive, with overhead and staff costs often outweighing the profits of a single case. Such financial strains can lead to unreasonable levels of responsibility and stress, driving lawyers to seek relief through the use of drugs and alcohol.

Finally, low levels of job satisfaction and a lack of empowerment within legal departments can contribute to addiction amongst lawyers. Working in an environment of strict regulations and bureaucracy can cause even a competent lawyer to feel disempowered and underutilized, leading to feelings of depression and worthlessness. Such feelings can cause lawyers to turn to drugs and alcohol as a way to cope.

Understanding the sources of addiction amongst lawyers is an important first step in preventing the development of such conditions amongst the legal profession. Removing the pressures of constant struggle and success can create a more balanced environment for lawyers to thrive in. Additionally, education on the risks and consequences of drug and alcohol abuse can help lawyers to remain aware of the potential dangers of addiction.

Creating a supportive and understanding environment within legal departments can be fundamental in the prevention of addiction amongst lawyers. Offering extended leave to lawyers affected by mental health issues, providing mental health screenings and referrals to those in need, and creating opportunities for professional development and career advancement can all contribute to building a healthier and more empowered atmosphere for lawyers. Finally, the implementation of ethical guidelines for drug and alcohol use amongst lawyers can help to create an environment of accountability and transparency amongst the legal profession.

Signs of alcohol addiction

When someone is addicted to alcohol, they are at a high risk of having poor physical and mental health. Alcohol addicts are usually helpless when it comes to addiction because they find it hard to stop drinking despite some of them being aware that there are negative consequences that come with it.

If you are addicted to alcohol or you know someone who is, seeking early treatment is essential. With the signs mentioned below, you can tell if someone is struggling with alcohol addiction.

Outside, Road, Street, Space

Physical signs: It is quite easy to know when someone is addicted from the physical signs. They might either be short-term or long-term signs. For the short-term signs, some of them are slurred speech, hangovers, blurry vision, slow reaction times, poor coordination, etc.

While the long-term signs of alcohol addiction may include high blood pressure, malnutrition, seizures, poor hygiene, liver damage, weakened immune system, etc.

Inability to cut down: One of the ways to know that someone is addicted to alcohol is when they find it hard to reduce alcohol intake.

They may be unable to control themselves anytime they see alcohol around them. Also, they might not pay attention to their physical surroundings or even the people around them when they drink alcohol.

Failure to meet important obligations: Alcohol addicts find it hard to fulfill crucial obligations because they spend more time drinking alcohol.

They might be unable to meet work-related deadlines which would reduce their productivity and performance in the long run. If the alcohol addict happens to be a student, their academic performance might be poor.

Giving up social activities and interests: If an alcohol addict is invited to an event where alcohol is not served, they might lose interest.

They will find it hard to engage in their normal hobbies because they are no longer interested. You will also discover that alcohol addicts will prefer to stay on their own instead of being around people so that they can spend more time drinking alcohol.

Signs of alcohol addiction in an individual

Alcohol addiction refers to the unhealthy use of alcohol to the point where it adversely affects your health and even puts other people around you at risk. It also could mean a pattern of drinking where you have an uncontrollable and obsessive.

People struggling with alcohol addiction need all the help they can get so that they won’t have to deal with complicated health issues.

Free Two Persons Holding Drinking Glasses Filled With Beer Stock Photo

Here are some signs that an individual is dealing with alcohol addiction


One of the ways to know that someone is struggling with alcohol addiction is when they prefer to remain isolated instead of being around people.

They prefer to cut down on other activities so that they can spend more time drinking. Sometimes, they may suspect that being around people for a long time might give their drinking habit away.

They drink excessively

Another sign of alcohol addiction is when the person drinks more than normal when they are in public places. Some of them might take excessive amounts of alcohol that would leave them intoxicated, and they would need the help of other people to get to their homes.

Problems at school or work

When an individual is struggling with alcohol addiction, they are likely to have problems at work or school. They may not give their best, which would lead to average or abysmal performances. 

Reducing social activities

Addicted individuals may not pay attention to social gatherings or activities like they use to. They will gradually stop doing all their hobbies to focus on their alcohol addiction.

Drinking alcohol despite health issues

Some people struggling with alcohol addiction may still keep drinking despite having health issues, or even after receiving series of advice to stop their alcohol intake.

After observing the signs that someone is addicted, the next step would be to suggest addiction treatment to them. You can research some reputable rehabs that offer top-notch treatment to make people sober again.

The Influence of Alcohol On Our Decisions

Often, a little more than enough drink can alter your behaviours in ways beyond your control. That, after a night of drinking, you wake up hungover and sometimes unable to recall the events of the previous night. Then, people begin to use the excuse of “it was the alcohol”, blaming the alcohol for their bad judgement.

Either way, it is undeniable that alcohol affects our decisions, such that we act in ways we usually wouldn’t. Some would say it “frees” us up to act carefree. It is important, therefore, to examine the influence of alcohol on the lives of drinkers as it relates to their decision-making.

Several studies have researched the influence of alcohol on the lives of people, but one study that holds is that alcohol doesn’t blunt out consciousness.

They argue that people despite being drunk remain aware of whatever decision they make at that moment. But what alcohol does is make them give no regard for the consequences of such action, they don’t bother with the consequences.

Alcohol furthermore, makes us reactive rather than proactive. It causes us to make immediate decisions that we would have rather thought through before attempting. When intoxicated, we are prone to irrational decisions rather than rational decisions.

Also, alcohol clouds the mind and makes people act without fear. A drunk person is more likely to jump off an unsafe cliff than a sober person. So, you can say alcohol gives us wings to fly, but in reality, the reverse is the case, as it is often applicable to negative circumstances.

Alcohol’s influence on our decisions is more inclined towards negative rather than positive impacts. The implications are often regretful and in some cases severe for individuals. In summary, alcohol makes an individual irrational in decision-making, caring not about the consequences of his/her actions led by the booze.

Preventing Alcohol Abuse As A Means To Avert Crime

There exists an intricate link between alcohol and crime in every society. The effects of alcohol abuse are usually felt in society in various ways, but a standout one is the crime rate. Studies have shown someone under the influence of alcohol is likely to commit a crime than someone not under the influence of alcohol.

Therefore, preventive measures for alcohol abuse have also been said to help avert crime in society. Looking closely at this assertion, this article will highlight some ways in which preventing alcohol abuse can help reduce crime. Note that the implications of alcohol abuse prevention on crime rate may vary based on society and other circumstances.

Some ways in which preventing alcohol abuse can help avert crime include;

  • Often, those who commit crimes are under the influence of alcohol, for alcohol devoid them of their rationality. People steal or rob to be able to afford their alcohol addiction, which means that a large population of burglary is related to alcohol abuse. Therefore, attempts to prevent alcohol abuse will reduce the burglary rate in the community.
  • Controlling or preventing alcohol abuse also helps to reduce re-offence by offenders. This is because proper treatment for alcohol abusers will help them get over their addiction, which in turn reduces the likelihood of them committing a crime. A sober person retains his or her consciousness and regard for the consequences of his or her action.
  • Sexual harassment crimes can be averted with the prevention of alcohol abuse. It is no secret that most sexual harassment offenders are under the influence of alcohol. This means therefore that, if alcohol abuse is reduced, sexual harassment crimes will equally be reduced.

In summary, alcohol abuse is a major issue facing world communities, which translates into a high rate of crime in most communities. But as discussed above, a proper and effective preventive mechanism for alcohol abuse will equally translate into a reduction of crime rate in most cases. So, a community seeking to avert crime should consider preventing alcohol abuse as an effective strategy.


Do you find yourself drinking to relax, driving under the influence of alcohol, having problems with friends and family because of drinking? Perhaps, you also have legal issues because of alcohol, or you are often neglecting responsibilities, then you are most likely suffering from alcohol abuse. 

Alcohol abuse arises when you drink too much alcohol on occasion and too often such that your drinking habits often cause you to exhibit some risky behaviors and poor judgments.

Alcohol abuse can cause severe health conditions such as cirrhosis, a disease of the liver, or worsen certain disorders, for example, osteoporosis, or can prevent an early diagnosis of heart disease.

Most times, treatments for alcohol abuse are focused on helping you learn to control your level of alcohol consumption.

First, recognize you need help so, commit yourself to stay sober and practice healthier drinking habits. Treatment often aims at finding healthy ways to manage stress, therapy, and learning new skills to cope with managing your alcohol consumption.

 Effective treatments for alcohol abuse are:

  1. Medication: Treatment can be through medical management using alcohol-deterrent medications, such as Revia or Vivitrol (naltrexone) or as prescribed by doctors. These medications will help you reduce symptoms of withdrawal and can also help you quit drinking. They tend to block the feeling of intoxication and help reduce cravings or make you feel sick upon alcohol consumption.
  2. Behavioral therapy: This includes specialized alcohol counseling or joining support groups consisting of people with the same issue. You could also be involved in both counseling and support groups. These can increase your chance of recovery from alcohol abuse.

You must note that treatment would work differently per individual so, you should ensure you find a treatment that is most effective for you and find it sooner.


Crime is a social issue that is constantly increasing globally with several motivating factors varying per individual and society.

Generally, however, alcohol has proven to be a motivating factor of crime, and alcohol intoxication in itself under certain circumstances such as driving is criminal. Intoxication comes with some effects like the tendency of being loud, disruptive, aggressive, and belligerent.

Alcohol damages the side of the brain needed to stop impulses and control the ability to foresee the consequences of an action. Therefore, alcohol severely damages a person’s judgment when such a person is intoxicated.

It results in such persons taking risks and committing acts that they, on the contrary, would never have done. Likewise, they are more likely to be talked into something they otherwise would not do, some of which could be criminal. 

Moreover, levels of dopamine, one of the chemical messengers responsible for sending signals of pleasure, in the brain is increased by alcohol. It creates a buzz and makes a person derive pleasure from most actions he makes under the influence of alcohol. Hence, committing crimes could seem enticingly pleasurable.

Furthermore, the activities of the prefrontal cortex, which is the part of the brain that is involved in decision making and which helps a person think rationally and clearly, are decreased by alcohol. Hence, an effect of alcohol consumption is that it prompts a person to act without thinking about his/her actions.

The prefrontal cortex is also partly responsible for your sense of control over your emotions and behaviors. It can gravely impact the aggression level of a person, making such one prone to violence, anger, and a high level of hostility.

These emotions are provocative and can make it more likely that individuals will want to commit violence against another as alcohol consumption will reduce your ability to control your emotions.

Connection Between Alcohol and Crime

Drinking alcohol does not mean that person is going to be a criminal. At the same token, not consuming alcohol does not prevent someone from committing crimes.

However, extensive research on the topic of alcohol and crime suggest that alcohol consumption and criminal behavior are closely connected.

There is an obvious pattern or logical flow of links between drinking, poor decision making, criminal behavior, and legal consequences. The proof of this thinking is shown by the fact that so many people currently serving time in prisons or living with the stigma of a criminal record have a history of problem drinking.

It is also indisputable that there are consequences related to family, society and career when drinking is severe and when it affects the normal functioning of the mind or body.

Seeking treatment and rehabilitation for alcohol addiction or problematic drinking habits is the best way to avoid the worst possible consequences.

Problematic drinking has many, many negative consequences. It can’t be overlooked that one of the worst is passing on the same problematic habits to others.

As part of understanding alcohol abuse and crime, it is useful to know the common kinds of criminal behaviors and what kinds of penalties they carry. But another important consideration is the impact of these criminal behaviors on the victims.

Lack of control over alcohol use rarely has one victim, and the consequences are rarely short lived.

Crimes associated with alcohol abuse are likely to cause the offender to lose some money or freedom. But, more importantly, those crimes usually have long-lasting impacts on family, friends, or even complete strangers. The problem may be centered on one person, but the consequences have ripple effects.

Crimes generally associated with alcohol include domestic abuse and violence, underage drinking, robbery, assault and rape.

Alcohol is considered more likely to be a reason in violence where the attacker and the victim know each other. About two-thirds of crimes committed by an intimate person such as a spouse, boyfriend, or girlfriend have been reported to be related to alcohol consumption.

Victims of crimes deal with many confusing and conflicting emotions. Crime is a traumatic experience and the victims often go through long periods of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). The symptoms of PTSD are serious and have lasting mental and emotional scars.

The best way to prevent such trauma and heart ache in the society is for everyone to take personal responsibility when it comes to consuming alcohol and seeking immediate help if any signs of excess consumption or uncontrolled drinking behavior are noticed.  

Alcohol-Related Crimes

It is well known that many crimes are committed under the direct or indirect influence of alcohol consumption.

Some crimes are connected to a person’s blood-alcohol level while others are related to the impaired state of mind due to the influence of the alcohol. Here are some of the common alcohol related crimes:

Driving Under the Influence

This is one of the most common culprits. Driving after drinking any amount of alcohol is dangerous. Unfortunately, deaths due to drunk driving are so common, in spite of the awareness campaigns.  Driving with a blood alcohol level above the legal limit is grounds for arrest. Though many are arrested for driving under the influence, many more will never be caught.


There are many reasons why a person with alcohol addiction might resort to stealing. Drinking is an expensive habit that needs a constant source of money. This is the reason why theft is a common alcohol-related crime. Robbery is a felony and carries penalties including potential jail time. The penalties differ depending on the nature of the robbery and the value of the stolen goods.

Domestic Violence

Alcohol related offences by an intimate partner such as a spouse or a partner could include physical attacks as well as sexual assaults, or psychological abuse. Ironically, since drinking often happens with or around an intimate partner, these partners are the ones who face the worst consequences of alcohol related crimes.

Child Abuse

Child abuse includes physical violence, neglect, mistreatment, and verbal or emotional abuse. Though convictions for child abuse have heavy penalties, the innocent victims suffer the most serious trauma.

Sexual Assault

Alcohol plays a role in many sexual assaults. This type of crime can be child abuse or intimate partner violence, or it could be perpetrated on a stranger. Anyone convicted of sexual assault should expect significant legal penalties that continue even after release from prison.


Alcohol can amplify emotions, which is why it plays a role in so many homicides. Once a person under the influence of alcohol is in a state of heightened emotions, they lose control and are likely to carry out their actions further than they would normally.  The penalty for homicide can be life in prison or even death.

Exploring alcohol related crimes is important to appreciate the devastating impacts of alcohol on individuals, families and society. Crime is not be the first indication that people connect with problem drinking or addiction, but it is a significant and serious symptom that needs attention.