Substance abuse can cause a wide array of issues—that go way deeper than DUIs—and can affect students who are struggling with addiction, no matter their age or gender. As a result of such this can bring about a number of problems, but two of the most crucial for those still in school are listed as follows; 1. Loss of employment, and 2. Loss of Financial aid for college.
First and foremost is loss of employment which can create a great deal of stress for those—with a DUI—whose income is based solely off of their jobs. In turn, this can cause a significant amount of anxiety for students who have a series of bills to pay for—on top of school—such as; rent, car insurance, etc.
Not only that, but it can also cause problems later on down the road—depending on what the particular individual wants to pursue career wise. For example, if someone wants to do something related to transportation (truck driving, etc.) this can pose as a problem because employers will look at crucial information—such as criminal records—via background check. Upon doing so it might cause them to think twice about hiring that individual in particular.
Another example where this is oftentimes seen is if one is pursuing teaching—and/or child education. For, it is through such that he/she will find himself/herself around children of various ages, but a DUI or DWI can jeopardize that because employers might not feel fully comfortable—and/or fully trust that person enough—with that kind of responsibility.
Second is the loss of one’s financial aid. Financial aid, more commonly known as FAFSA, is briefly defined as “any grant or scholarship, loan, or paid employment offered to help a student meet his/her college expenses”. In turn, even though FAFSA doesn’t ask questions in regards to alcohol related misdemeanors/felonies one’s drug conviction(s) can cause a great deal of problem if there were drugs in the vehicle at the time that he/she was pulled over. Then, if his/her FAFSA is suspended this can put a breach his/her school plans—by postponing his/her education.
In conclusion, the legal consequences of DUIs/DWIs can greatly affect students—and cause an unnecessary amount of stress, as they try and attend school. Therefore, it is important that they get help for the substance abuse that they are struggling with early on so that they can not only benefit their present, but their future as well.